Introductory Questions

  1. Sophie Lee, Major: Communication Design, Minor: HCI & Marketing, Junior

  2. I'm taking this class because it is part of my HCI requirement, but I hope to gain a better understanding of how code and design mesh together.
  3. I took Intro to ComSci my freshman year but have forgotten a lot of material and am out of practice. I also used VS code only to submit work for Abe's User Centered Applications class last semester.
  4. I hope to be able to design a well-functioning, visually appealing website.
  5. Screens differ between users and devices, so ensuring that your design is applicable for all screens is something you don't consider as much when it comes to designs on paper.
  6. This photography portfolio website has an easily digestible/understandable design. For a photographer, showing examples of your work is important, and I think this is a very clean and effective way to do so.
  7. The Apple website is a great example of effective communication. It displays all the important statistics/information regarding the macbook in an engaging, visually appealing way. It is interactive with the user's scroll and has clear hierarchy with its text.
  8. This portfolio website does a great job of being engaging and interactive with the user while displaying their style and effectively showing what their website includes.